FREE group every Second Tuesday of the month. See homepage for details!
Supervision and Consultation
Training and education isn't enough to do therapy well. Research suggests that while clinicians know more following a training, their behavior changes minimally. Contact hours with a supervisor is a better predictor of what a clinician actually does than any method of training or education. If you are a clinician seeking to refine or acquire skill, there are several DBT-LBC clinicians qualified to help increase your competency. For those who have been in the field for a long time, consultation is also available.
At The Ebright Collaborative, we have a vested interest in alleviating suffering and building joy. We will engage in our mission by any means necessary. Matt has done introductory trainings on Dialectical Behavior Therapy. He has also done trainings on workforce issues, such as work/ life balance, managing stress, and more. In short, we would love to see the healing ingredients of therapy reach people beyond the walls of therapy offices. Schools, hospitals, and workplaces can all become stressed environments with stressed individuals. If your workplace or organization is experiencing high stress, do not hesitate to contact us to explore if and how we might work together. Matt has successfully led trainings in many environments, from classrooms to communities to organizations as large as the US Navy. These trainings have been delivered to mental health professionals and non-professionals, capturing a wide range or ages. Subjects have included stress reduction, work-life balance, interpersonal conflict in the workplace, psychoeducation, traumatic stress, and specific therapeutic modalities
The Ebright Collaborative LLC. 607 W 18th Street Wilmington, DE 19802 Office: (302)888-2233 Fax: (302)888-2235 [email protected]